Taking the Exam at a PSI Testing Center
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  3. Taking the Exam at a PSI Testing Center

What should I expect the day of my exam?

Run through this final checklist to make sure you are all set for your test:
  • All mobile devices, including cellphones, and children are not allowed in the examination center. No personal items are to enter the testing center. Candidates are encouraged to leave all personal belongings except their keys in their car
  • You will be required to show one current, valid, government-issued ID with a photo and a current, valid CPR/AED certification. Please Note: If there is any doubt surrounding your identity, you will not be allowed to test and will forfeit your exam fees.
  • You may not exit the building or use your cell phone or other electronic devices during the examination.
  • You will be required to adhere to the testing rules of conduct found in the Candidate Handbook.